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Diesel wants to live!

Aniko Csizmadia-Pohr


8 Dec 2022

Ein paar Worte von der Spendenaktion

"Dear ladies and gentlemen! I'm Diesel. I'm a 4 months old little kittenboy. My humans found me at a gas station on a very cold, rainy day. At that time, I was around 5 weeks old, with the tip of my tail missing already. They were unable to leave me there, and brought me to their home, where there are plenty of saved cats already. This place was warm, full of treats, and filled with love. I'm very happy and feel lucky for my new family, with plenty of cat and dog friends aside. Or at least, I was, until 2 days ago, I felt myself very sick. I've got a fever of 40,5 Celsius, I didn't want to eat anything, and my soft, tiny belly became huge and swollen. My new Mom was awake all night, trying to make me feel better, to no avail. On the next day, while on our way to the vet, I heard her mumbling "please don't be FIP, please don't be FIP...". My doctor seemed very nice, until they grabbed me and poked my belly with something pointy. I think I don't like him for that. Then he told my new Mom that "I'm sorry...It's FIP".I didn't understand what they were talking about, but my Mom cried the whole time and kept hugging me very very tightly. I've got like a million kisses, and she told me that I can't leave her...Silly Mom! I don't want to leave you, I love you! I told her this, but perhaps she didn't hear it. I think I should've been meowing louder to her...She wants to cure me, and told me that she would even sell one of her kidney, because she can live with one, but she can't live without me. My treatment is very expensive, and we can't make it without some kind people's help. I know that these days are hard for everyone, but I want to live, and make my family happy for a very long time! They do all they can, but now, they need a bit of help from others. I'm grateful for every help we get, and if you'd like to help me anonymously, I respect that, just tell us you'd like so. My mom will share every help we get publicly, so everyone can see that it's going directly to my treatment bill."

We are grateful for every help we can get. The vet papers are written in Hungarian!

Bank account: K&H Bank,number:104005118676-805574701006

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raised out of €1,200

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