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Together we can save them

tina shields


29 Mar 2023

Ein paar Worte von der Spendenaktion

As a rescuer FIP is up there amongst our biggest fears. When the recent rise in case numbers became apparent in Cyprus we were all put on high alert. I don't know anybody who is untouched by this awful illness. We got our first confirmation of a case but sadly our boy didn't make it. Since then we have seen 4 more positive diagnoses. We are trying to save our babies but it is mentally and emotionally draining and financially crippling. We have cut back on every unnecessary part of our budget but the costs of GS for 4 (& possibly more) cats is not something we can achieve aloe. We need your help.


Our rescue journey started many years ago with the discovery of a tiny kitten, umbilical cord attached, lying with his dead mother. We were very naive at this point but quickly learned how to care for our boy. We had 5 happy years with him but sadly lost him to heart failure. In his honour we vowed to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome as many cats as possible. We plod along doing the best we can. This new mutation, causing higher numbers of FIP than ever before seen, is devastating to us. If you can spare any amount we are eternally grateful.

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raised out of €4,000

15 people have donated to this

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